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- Marwa | Marzanjosh | Origanum majorana

Marwa | Marzanjosh | Origanum majorana
Arabic: Marzanjush zaetar, murdqush kabir | Basque: Mendaro (landarea) | Danish: Havemerian, Merian | Dutch Marjolein, Echte marjolein | English: Sweet marjoram, Pot marjoram, marjoram, knotted marjoram, Garden Marjoram, Gartenmajoran | ... Read More Esperanto: Majorano | Estonian: Aedmajoraan | Finnish: Maustemeirami, Meirami | Galician: Maiorana | German: Blattmajoran, French Majoran, Marjoram, Wurstkraut, Garten-Majoran, Majoran, echter Majoran | Greek: Mantzourana, Matzourana | Hindu: Murwa, sathra | Ido: Majorano | Indonesian: Marjoram | Irish: Oragán cumhra | Italian: Maggiorana coltivato, Maggiorana, Origano maggiorana, persia | Japanese: Maajoramu, Majoramu, mayonara | Kannada: Maruga | Korean: Majolam | Kazakh: Mayoran | Limburgan: Majoraan | Malay: Marjoram | Maltese: Merqtux, Riegnu | Marathi: Marwa, mijirikamy | Netherlands: Majoraan, marjolein | Norwegian: Merian | Occitan: Majorana, Manugueta, Menugueta, Origan | Portuguese: Manjerona, Manjerona cultivadas | Polish: Lebiodka majeranek, Majeran ogrodowy, Majeranek | Portuguese: Manjerona, manjerico | Quechua: Mikhurana | Russians: Maiorana sadovyi, Mayoran | Sanskrit: Maruv, Maruvium, ajanmasurabhi, marwa | Spanish: Mejorana, Mejorana cultivada, oregano europeo, mayorama, mejorana, mejram, Acapuas, Almaraco, Almoradux, Anaraco, Sampsuco, almoradijo, mejorana bastarda, mejorana dulce | Swedish Mejram | Tamil: Marikozhundhu, Chutanaccu, kuvalamayam | Telugu: maruvamu | Urdu: Marwa, marzanjosh
Marwa | Marzanjosh | Origanum majorana - 250 Gram
450 400 11 % OFF
Marwa | Marzanjosh | Origanum majorana - 100 Gram
180 160 11 % OFF
Marwa | Marzanjosh | Origanum majorana - 500 Gram
900 800 11 % OFF
Marwa | Marzanjosh | Origanum majorana - 1 Kg
1800 1600 11 % OFF
Products Description
Apart from being a tasty culinary herb, marjoram both in its food and oil form has a number of excellent benefits for your health. It consists of numerous healthy minerals and vitamins and has a number of excellent medicinal properties. Among its many uses, marjoram can protect the heart, protect against diabetes and improve digestive health.
Here are some of the most amazing health benefits of this herb:
1. Heart Health
Marjoram may be extremely beneficial for your cardiovascular health. It is a rich source of antioxidants that can help protect the heart as well as other major organs from disease. It is also able to relax and widen the blood vessels which helps reduce high blood pressure levels naturally.
Inhaling the essential oil either directly or from a diffuser can help calm down the body’s nervous system which helps dilate the blood vessels. This has a positive effect on the heart by lowering blood pressure and reducing strain on the heart.
2. Lowers high blood pressure
Studies have found that marjoram is effective in lowering blood pressure without affecting the heart rate. One way it does this is by relaxing the blood vessels so that blood flows through them easily. Marjoram also has diuretic properties, which increases the production of urine as well as the frequency of urination. As a result, excess water, salts and toxins are flushed out of the system. This also helps in lowering blood pressure.
3. Bone health
Regular intake of marjoram is a great way to boost the strength and health of your bones. This amazing herb provides about 520% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin K, a nutrient that contributes to the development of healthy bones. Vitamin-K also plays a key role in building bone mass by promoting osteotrophic activity in the bones. By helping to build strong bones, this vitamin helps prevent the onset of bone disorders like osteoporosis.
4. Diabetes
Nearly 10% of the population of the United States has diabetes and there are no signs that the figure is slowing down. Fortunately, type 2 diabetes can be managed with good lifestyle choices and diet. Studies show that marjoram is an excellent choice for people trying to manage their diabetes. Marjoram along with other herbs like rosemary and oregano effectively prevent certain enzymes which improve insulin tolerance. Whether you eat the herb fresh or dried, it can be a great help to a diabetic patient’s ability to manage their blood sugar levels.
5. Helps with blood clotting and prevents anemia
Marjoram is an excellent source of vitamin K, which is essential for normal blood clotting to take place. Excessive loss of blood is one of the factors leading to anemia and clotting helps prevent heavy bleeding. Marjoram is also high in iron content, another nutrient needed for the production of hemoglobin. The consumption of marjoram ensures that your daily requirements of iron are met, which improves blood circulation and the transport of oxygen to all parts of the body. This helps in improving your energy levels and also in optimizing the functioning of various organs in the body.
6. Pain Relief
Marjoram essential oil is an excellent remedy for muscle pain, spasms and tension headaches. Combine a few drops with carrier oil and massage it into the affected parts of your body for instantaneous relief.
7. Digestive Health
Leaves of marjoram act as a soothing tonic that helps improve the performance of the digestive system. It can boost your appetite and promote digestion by stimulating the production of saliva and digestive enzymes. Marjoram also helps prevent the various digestive problems including flatulence, colic, constipation, indigestion and stomach infections. The regular intake of marjoram tea has been found to help people cope with eating disorders.
8. Boost immunity
Marjoram is an immunity booster because of the presence of nutrients like vitamin A and vitamin C, both of which also acts as strong antioxidants. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system by increasing the number of white blood cells, which protects the body against the attack of foreign invaders like bacteria and virus. Vitamin A also plays an important role in supporting the healthy functioning of the immune system.
9. Healthy nervous system
Marjoram is one of the few herbs that support the effective functioning of the nervous system. Nutrients in the herb enhance brain activity and helps prevent damage to the nerve cells. Marjoram essential oil is known to soothe and calm the mind and alleviate disorders like anxiety, stress and depression. It is also used in the treatment of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
10. Respiratory Problems
Marjoram essential oil can also be used to treat respiratory issues and the symptoms of bronchitis, colds and flu. It has expectorant properties that can help loosen mucus and phlegm in the respiratory tract. Try inhaling the oil directly from the bottle or applying a few drops to the cheeks and under your nostrils.
11. Stress and Anxiety
Marjoram especially its essential oil is an excellent remedy for relieving feelings of stress and anxiety. Many essential oils have a similar impact and signify a great natural alternative to the many popular prescription medications.
You can either diffuse it around the home and inhale its vapors or dilute it with a carrier oil to make a stress relieving massage. By helping relieve your tensions and anxieties, marjoram essential oil can also help improve your quality of sleep and ensure you have a more restful night.
12. Treats cold and cough
Marjoram is an age old remedy for treating the common cold, flu and coughs. It functions as an expectorant and helps to loosen phlegm and mucus, aiding in its expulsion. Saponin found in this herb has decongestant properties and helps in relieving congestion in the sinuses and chest, providing immense relief. As a result, marjoram is often used in the treatment of respiratory problems like asthma, sinusitis, bronchitis and coughs.
13. Women’s Health
Marjoram has long been valued in women’s health. It can help to restore the balance of female hormones and to regulate menstruation. Not only does it help regulate the cycle but it also helps to relieve many of the familiar symptoms that women get during their monthly period and can also help treat the symptoms associated with menopause.
Because of its natural emmenogogue properties, it can encourage menstruation and has even been used to help nursing mothers produce more milk.
14. Skin Health
Leaves of marjoram as well as the essential oils obtained from it are often used in many skin products such as lotions, creams and soaps. This herb is packed with antioxidants, which can help prevent free radical damage. The application of a mixture of marjoram essential oil and olive or coconut oil is a great way to prevent the occurrence of premature signs of aging such as wrinkles, dark spots and fine lines. Marjoram is a natural antiseptic and is hence used as a remedy for various skin conditions such as acne, pimples, rashes, psoriasis and eczema. The antiseptic properties of this herb also make it effective in treating wounds and in preventing infection. Marjoram also exhibits anti-fungal properties, which helps in preventing fungal infections such as athlete’s foot.
15. Against snoring
The marjoram by-product, like its oil, helps eliminate snoring, as it promotes the respiratory system and calms the larynx. The aroma penetrates the body and tones the airways.
16. Hair Health
You can also add a few drops of marjoram essential oil to your regular conditioners or shampoo to help strengthen your hair and enhance its appearance. Marjoram essential oil can strengthen the follicles meaning your hair should grow back stronger and healthier.
The oil also contains anti-fungal properties which makes it a good natural option to treat common scalp issues like dandruff. It also smells great so give it a try.
17. Helps you stay young
Marjoram is a rich source of various nutrients that displays powerful antioxidant effects. One of the main factors that cause early aging is the oxidation of cells brought about by free radicals in the body. Antioxidants help in protecting your cells and DNA from the damage caused by these free radicals. The intake of foods rich in antioxidants such as marjoram is thus helpful in maintaining good health and youth.
18. Promotes better sleep
Majority of people around the world suffer from insomnia, the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep. Good quality sleep is absolutely critical for maintaining a healthy body and mind. Marjoram essential oil is a wonderful remedy for people with insomnia, as it has the ability to soothe and calm the mind. It can release your mind off of stress and tension and provide a sedative effect. Few drops of marjoram essential oil on the pillow are all you need to drift off into a good night’s sleep.
Traditional uses and benefits of Marjoram
- Marjoram is mainly used as a culinary herb, but is also medicinally valuable due to its stimulant and antispasmodic properties.
- It has a stronger effect on the nervous system than the related oregano and is also thought to lower the sex drive.
- The herb is antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, cholagogue, diaphoretic, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, stimulant, stomachic and mildly tonic.
- It is taken internally in the treatment of bronchial complaints, tension headaches, insomnia, anxiety, minor digestive upsets and painful menstruation.
- Externally, it is used to treat muscular pain, bronchial complaints, arthritis, sprains and stiff joints.
- The oil is used as an external application for sprains, bruises etc.
- Essential oil is used in aromatherapy. Its keyword is ‘Muscle relaxant’.
- Tea made from the leaves or flowers is used for runny nose and colds in infants and toddlers, dry and irritating coughs, swollen nose and throat, and ear pain.
- Marjoram tea is also used for various digestion problems including poor appetite, liver disease, gallstones, intestinal gas, and stomach cramps.
- Some women use marjoram tea for relieving symptoms of menopause, treating mood swings related to menstrual periods, starting menstruation, and promoting the flow of breast milk.
- Marjoram oil is used for coughs, gall bladder complaints, stomach cramps and digestive disorders, depression, dizziness, migraines, nervous headaches, nerve pain, paralysis, coughs, runny nose; and as a “water pill.”
- In the old Egypt, marjoram was used to disinfect and preserve food and its oil was massaged on the forehead and in the
- Traditionally, the leaves of marjoram are used to cure diabetes, insomnia, catarrh, asthma and
- Marjoram has been traditionally used for the treatment of gastrointestinal disturbances, cough and bronchial diseases.
- It is used in mouthwashes for oral hygiene and also applied topically to relieve symptoms of common cold, such as nasal congestion.
- An infusion made from the fresh plant was used to relieve nervous headaches by virtue of camphouraceous constituent present in the oil and externally applied in bags as a hot fomentation to painful swellings and rheumatism, as likewise for
- Marjoram has also been successfully used externally for healing scirrhous carcinoma of the
- It is a home remedy for chest infection, cough, sore throat, rheumatic pain, nervous disorders, cardiovascular diseases, epilepsy, insomnia, skin care, flatulence and stomach
- The oil of marjoram has been used since ages in external application for sprains, bruises, stiff and paralytic limbs and toothache and as hot fomentation in acute diarrhea.
- It is used for easing sore muscles and swollen joints while stimulating peristaltic movement of the digestive system for bad appetite as well for menstrual cramps
Culinary Uses
- Leaves can be consumed raw or cooked.
- Marjoram is widely used as a flavoring for salad dressings, vegetables, legumes and oils.
- It has a more delicate flavor than the closely related oregano, and is best when used fresh and only added towards the end of cooking.
- Aromatic seeds are used as a flavoring in sweets, drinks etc.
- Herbal tea is made from the fresh or dried leaves.
- Flavor resembles a blend of thyme, rosemary and sage.
- Marjoram is used for seasoning soups, stews, dressings, and sauces.
- Leaves and flowers are popular in meat dishes, soups, sauces, pasta and for flavoring oils and vinegar, in Greek and Italian cuisine.
- For its aroma similar to that of thyme, it can be rubbed in meat chops before roasting them to perfume them.
- It is an excellent herb to prepare pickles.
- Fresh or dried, it is an excellent ingredient for pizza and pasta.
- Fresh marjoram with basil is excellent for preparing the tomato salad.
- Fresh and cut leaves, added to garnishes and sausages, or dried, added to dumplings served with lamb.
- Butter with marjoram for chicken sandwiches, or with roasted potatoes.
- Dried marjoram, its volatile oil and the extracts have been applied in the flavoring of various foods, particularly soups, sauces, meat, fish, canned foods, liqueurs and vermouths.
- Dried flowering tops are used for sachets and potpourris.
- Aromatic seeds were used in confectionery and French confitures.
The information is for educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.