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- Ajmod | Tukhme Karafs | Tukhme Karfas | Apium Graveolens

Ajmod | Tukhme Karafs | Tukhme Karfas | Apium Graveolens
Arabic Name : Karafs, Bazr al-karafs al-jabalee | Bengali Name : Randhani, Banjoyan, Banyamani, Chanu | English Name : Celery, Marsh Parsley, Smallage | German Name : Sellerie, Epf, Eppich, Geilwurz, Sällerie, Schoppenkrud, Zellerich | Hindi Name : ... Read More
Ajmod | Tukhme Karafs | Tukhme Karfas | Apium Graveolens - 1 Kg
1800 980 46 % OFF
Ajmod | Tukhme Karafs | Tukhme Karfas | Apium Graveolens - 100 Gram
180 98 46 % OFF
Ajmod | Tukhme Karafs | Tukhme Karfas | Apium Graveolens - 250 Gram
450 245 46 % OFF
Ajmod | Tukhme Karafs | Tukhme Karfas | Apium Graveolens - 500 Gram
900 490 46 % OFF
Products Description
The seeds are alterative, diaphoretic, diuretic, emmenagogue, galactagogue, hypotensive, lithotriptic, nervine tonic, sedative, stimulant and stomachic. The seeds are rich in iron and many vitamins, including A, B, and C. Hippocrates wrote that celery could be used to calm the nerves, and indeed, its very high calcium level is likely the reason for this phenomenon. As antispasmodic they are used in bronchitis, asthma, cough, pleurisy, tuberculosis and to some extent for liver and spleen diseases. The seeds cleanse the liver and kidneys, and soften deposits. Also useful in gall bladder and kidney stone and also in arthritis, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis (where there is an associated mental depression) and gout helping to detoxify the body and improve circulation of blood to the muscles and joints. They help kidneys dispose of urates and other unwanted waste products, as well as working to reduce acidity in the body as a whole. Recommended for loss of appetite and bad breath.
Restores sexual potency and combined with other herbs it helps to lower blood pressure. The diuretic action combined with the presence of antibacterial compounds in celery seed also make it useful in cystitis and treating urinary tract infections. It is also useful in insomnia, obesity, several cancers, and to promotes the onset of menstruation.
The information is for educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.